Hi there! I'm Sitong An.
I'm a Marie Curie Fellow at CERN, associated with the INSIGHTS ITN.
I'm working to bring the lastest developments in Machine Learning to Particle Physics Experiments, in preparation for the upgrade to the HL-LHC.
Scroll down to learn more about my journey to Accelerate Science.
Who am I

At CMS Experimental Cavern
Hi there!
I'm a Marie Curie Fellow at CERN, associated with the INSIGHTS ITN. I work on the investigation of novel Deep Learning algorithms applied to Particle Physics Experiments, as well as the development of ROOT/TMVA in support of "ML for HEP" community. I am also a first-year physics PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University, and a member of the CMS experiment at CERN. I was born in China, and educated in Singapore, the U.K. and the U.S. I consider myself a citizen of the world. I care about science communication, public engagement and reproducible research. In my spare time I love travelling, hiking, photography and learning new languages.